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Ambystoma tigrinum

Tiger Salamander

Scientific Name: Ambystoma tigrinum

Best Substrate for tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum ReptiChip

What Makes ReptiChip The Best Tiger Salamander Bedding


Tiger Salamanders, scientifically known as Ambystoma tigrinum, are among the largest terrestrial salamanders in North America, reaching lengths of up to 14 inches. Their name derives from their striking appearance, featuring bold, tiger-like yellow or greenish markings on a dark background. These patterns can vary significantly between individuals and populations, making each salamander unique. Tiger Salamanders are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of habitats, from forests and grasslands to marshes and agricultural fields. They spend much of their time underground in burrows, which they dig themselves or take over from other animals, emerging mainly during wet weather or at night to hunt.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Tiger Salamanders is their complex life cycle. They typically begin life as aquatic larvae in ponds and slow-moving streams, where they have external gills and a fin-like tail adapted for swimming. Some populations exhibit a form of paedomorphosis, where individuals retain their larval features and remain aquatic throughout their lives, while others metamorphose into terrestrial adults. This ability to remain flexible in their development is thought to be an adaptation to their often unpredictable environments. Additionally, Tiger Salamanders are known for their voracious appetites; both larvae and adults are opportunistic predators, feeding on a wide variety of prey, including insects, worms, small fish, and even other amphibians. Their adaptability, striking appearance, and interesting behaviors make Tiger Salamanders a fascinating subject of study and a favorite among herpetology enthusiasts.

Why ReptiChip?


ReptiChip is made by tiger salamander lovers, for tiger salamander lovers. It’s what the pros use, and it’s what you can use, too.

Our product line includes BabiChip, RediChip, ReptiChunk, MicroChip, and more, so you can be sure to find the perfect tiger salamander bedding for your pet.

Ready to switch to the ultimate tiger salamander bedding? Check out ReptiChip today.

Not Convinced?

Common Tiger Salamander Reptichip Questions

ReptiChip provides an ideal environment for your tiger salamander by balancing cleanliness, comfort, and humidity. It's excellent for moisture retention, which is crucial for the well-being of many reptiles and amphibians. The substrate is also low in sodium and potassium, reducing the risk of mineral buildup that could harm your tiger salamander.

Absolutely! While ReptiChip offers premium quality, it's priced affordably to be consumer-friendly. The substrate's durability and ease of maintenance also mean that you'll need to replace it less frequently, making it a cost-effective long-term choice for your tiger salamander.

ReptiChip is known for its low tannin content, which means it won't stain your enclosure or your tiger salamander. It's also excellent at odor absorption, keeping your living space fresh. This makes it one of the easiest substrates to maintain, allowing you more quality time with your tiger salamander.
